by BodyScene | Aug 29, 2017 | Exercise General, Strength Training
“Swimsuit season” may mean a little something different in the Dublin area, but that doesn’t mean you can’t work on your six pack. Despite popular belief, your “core” and your abs aren’t quite the same thing. It’s more complex than that, but understanding how to...
by BodyScene | May 31, 2017 | Exercise General
Sitting on your office chair for hours, driving long distances, lifting heavy objects and even the way you sleep can negatively affect your posture. This doesn’t just result in a slouch or the occasional shoulder ache either. Having bad posture can lead to very...
by BodyScene | Apr 20, 2017 | Diet & Nutrition, Exercise General, Men's Fitness
Both sexes have testosterone in their bodies, but everyone knows men have much, much more. However, as men age their testosterone levels decline, sometimes when they’re as young as 25-30 years old. Side effects vary greatly and include hair loss, decreased muscle...
by BodyScene | Apr 27, 2016 | Exercise General
by BodyScene | Apr 20, 2016 | Exercise General
Many people exercise alone. A quick look around at the gym will verify this as you notice solo runners on the treadmill and muscly dudes moving across the free weight floor. The truth is a lot of us don’t consider bringing a friend to the gym. But why not? And why not...
by BodyScene | Apr 13, 2016 | Exercise General
As a runner you’re going to find yourself at a crossroad. Should you work up a sweat outside or do you pay your local gym a visit and run on their treadmill for 30 minutes? This is a question that many runners face and while some may think that both are exactly the...